Ég var á fundi í Osló á dögunum. Þessi frétt birtist á vef Arctic Council. http://arctic-council.org/article/2008/2/mapping_creates_new_scientific_results
An increased use of mapping in scientific reports can avoid oil spill disasters in the ArcticWe will see great results - both in the form of new knowledge and in better presentations - if the Working Groups and the mapping agencies in the countries of the Arctic Council adopt international standards for joint data management - e.g. ISO - and cooperate to present scientific results in maps. A joint mapping strategy will also secure that coming generations will benefit from the results of the International Polar Year. This was one of the conclusions from EPPR's two-days workshop on mapping in the Arctic last week.Participants at the workshop were presented with several regional projects which have profitted from using the international data standards; for example an Interreg IIIb project - Safety at Sea.
The next step will be a pilot project where EPPR, in cooperation with AMAP, will use existing data to map Arctic areas where oil spills and pollution will create serious risks to fauna and flora.Workshop participants also concluded by suggesting a recommendation to the Arctic Council that all scientific data from the Arctic Council's Working Groups be made available in a standard form that can be used in mapping projects.
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Þú ert svo professional pabbi minn :D
Svava (IP-tala skráð) 18.2.2008 kl. 21:18
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